Find Your Readers Summit 2024
This amazing event is now over: thank you to all the attendees and speakers. Free tickets are no longer available, as they only offer live access. If you want to access the talks, a paid ticket is now necessary.
PS Mark the next summit in your calendars: Escape the Plot Forest on Oct 19th!
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For many writers, marketing feels like something that comes "later"...
I know for many writers, marketing feels like something they don't have time for. Maybe you've tried to keep up with Instagram, but you haven't seen great results.
Maybe you are keenly aware of how many other people in the book world are trying to get attention for their own writing and their own lifestory, so you feel reluctant to put your own voice forwards.
Maybe you just don't think you can afford to buy whatever ads or sponsored posts authors seem to need these days.
That's why I created this event.
This is an online summit dedicated to the idea that you have something to share, and a readership that wants to hear from you, wherever you are in your writing career. We think that you'll be a happier creative person when you have found your ideal audience.
This event will show you a wide range of options, most of them low budget or free to do, to start connecting earlier with the best readers for your writing.

Secure Your Place Now
All Access Pass
Live Broadcasts and Replays
All content available
Full on-going access to replays (lifetime access), private podcast version of replays, our transcript book, and all the other bonuses.
This four-day summit is 100% free to watch live. But you should also look at the paid pass!
This event is designed to be accessible to a wide range of writers. If you watch each session live, as it airs, you can attend completely for free. No catches. However, after 24 hours, each talk will lock for people on the free pass.
Pass buyers, on the other hand, can watch the replays as often and whenever they want.
So having the pass is the best way to attend this substantial, in-depth event, giving you the best possible benefit to your writing craft (because you can refer to the transcripts and watch the sessions you missed).
In addition, pass buyers will receive an assortment of bonuses from speakers, some of which usually sell, on their own, for more than the pass price: mini-courses, pdf guides, discounts, and additional mini-lessons.

Wondering what previous attendees felt about the summit?
Watch this one-minute video:
Join one of the most supportive and welcoming communities around
These summits are not just great educational experiences. You'll also join a friendly, low-stress community of fellow writers. In these summits, we agree to support one another, to treat each other well, and to collaborate in the creation of fantastic sessions and interviews. The summit operates according to a firm code of conduct, both offering protection to you and offering speakers a welcoming space to deliver their presentations.
You can read the full code of conduct on this site (it is linked to above): part of my job as host is to steer the atmosphere and mood of the event, hour by hour, so that we stay positive, relaxed, and receptive.
In addition, as your host, you'll see me accept prompts from the speakers, reveal a few of my own writing insecurities and fears: rather than standing above the event, dispensing advice from up high, my goal is to ask the questions you want asked, to prompt the speakers to explain their ideas in even more detail. I am working through some of the same issues that you are in my writing, and, as you'll see, I have found creating this event to be very moving and inspiring for my own creative life.

Your Host
I'm Daniel David Wallace, an award-winning writer and teacher. I spent four years of a PhD researching new ways to help writers like you tell a great story.
My stories, reviews, and essays have been published in great magazines like Tampa Review, McSweeney's Internet Tendency, Air Schooner, and my writing won me awards like the Toni Brown scholarship and the Hodges prizes.
But when I sent my first novel to the big publishing houses, it was rejected. This was a tough experience! And so I designed a way of teaching storytelling that the younger me would have wanted to find, the "character-first" approach.
I'm grateful that this approach has resonated with so many people: 10,000 writers read my newsletter each week. Each year, I host three big online summits to help other writers improve their craft. It's become a treasured part of my year: I love the connections that these events form between attendees and speakers.
In this event, I've designed an intense four-day training program for you, helping you connect with your ideal readers.

Schedule of talks
Not sure what to watch? Here are some talks you won't want to miss.
Say Hello To Our Speakers
We couldn't be more excited about our lineup. Which talks will you be checking out?
(Wondering why so many writers attend these summits again and again, returning each year? Our great sense of community and our strong code of conduct.)
Secure Your Place Now
All Access Pass
Live Broadcasts and Replays
All content available
Full on-going access to replays (lifetime access), private podcast version of replays, our transcript book, and all the other bonuses.
More from the previous summits
“ All the resources were really useful and everyone was so warm and welcoming.”
“The 3 sessions on the character first novel were so timely for me and really helped me with a new story.”
“The Character First session, where we talked about Orientation burst open such an AHA! moment for me. It's already transforming my writing, and I am eternally grateful." - Paige T.
“The memories were pleasantly surprising and inspiring because it was explained from different perspectives.”
"It has already enhanced my WIP for NaNoWriMo"
"This was a highly instructive summit and did not simply regurgitate the same topics we've been fed over and over. There were topics I didn't even know were topics and speakers I'd never heard of and I loved that so much.” - Frances P.
"It feels great! Lots of different ideas!"
“The conference provided a wealth of useful and inspiring information. It was fantastic!”
"The 7 essential tips lecture was inspiring and helpful, the talk about plot payoff was incredibly organized and taught me a great deal, the lecture series organized by Daniel offered very easily digested ideas that simplified the conceptual side of creating a story. ” - Julia F.
"I appreciated the hour or two breaks between the presentations because most of us are multi-tasking. I did miss one morning so have to catch up. The Plot Pass made that worry free.”
“You covered everything. From how to write a novel to how to publish it. Great context. Very well organized. ”
“Hearing such a wide range of speakers talk about their craft with such passion. Listening to them gave me the enthusiasm and determination to keep going with the story I have lodged in my head.” - Zoe J.